Saturday, May 7, 2011

BlackCell is Operational

  What started with a call from a Marine Buddy. He wanted to try paint ball. I was taking my daughter to a game for my Birthday and I said what the heck. So me 5poppa, Dash and her friend Jenn hit airsports paint ball. We played the Hunt for Lost Vegas 6hour scenario game. It drizzled the whole day. We were wet, tired and we had a blast. A few days later 5poppa went looking for a gun of his own and made a few local shops Pointblank Paint ball very happy after dropping a few hundred bucks in Swag. Thou he refuses to get any new Cammies. he wears his busted ass old Marine Corps "cammies".
   We then played our second game at airsports, Red Dawn 09 based on the 80's movie. This time we where ready to hit the ground running. We played for the white side, we where out numbered most of the game but as a whole we had a blast and we all walked away with out own positive experiences.

   After the long winter I wanted to get back into the swing of paint ball. After having to cancel the West Point Spring Game, I ended taking a squad of noobs from work to the field. Loaning out some of my Arsenal except for xXx who brought a Project Salvo for the occasion. Bad Mojo brought a handful of Spyders that sucked, he ended up using my Phenom for the last chapter while I went in Pistolero. Murphy's trusty Alpha Black had a valve leak. He ended up using my Alpha Black. The game was a success and even xXx got a MVP for our side and Bad Mojo got a sportsmanship award.
Here is Murphy on the Perimeter.
Boston Massacre, Revolutionary War style Warfare
With the Addition of Spartan. Our Squad is ready and eager to take to the field. We are BlackCell, and we're the Gun Crew ready to bring the paint. 

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