Sunday, June 12, 2011

next deployment, Camelot Paintball Chicopee MA. Correy Lind Memorial Game

Ok after taking June off I hope your trigger fingers are itchy. We're hitting a new field and we have a rep to build and uphold. BlackCell make sure that your equipment is squared away. Make sure that you clean your markers and keep them oiled. If you need tech help you can hit me up on Facebook.

QueenB and Lil'man hit me up if you need equipment or are you guys planing on renting.

Spartan congrats on upgrading to the Phenom.


Well we had to cancel the BlackDiamond VS the World game due to my home being destroyed by the Tornado of June 1st. I would like to personally thank all the BlackCell members who stepped up with help and offers of help. You guys are awesome. My gear is safe and I'll be ready for the July game. See you on the filed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Blood, same warrior spirit...

BlackCell paintball would like to welcome our newest members. Shark, Carrot Top, QueenB and lil'man (code name pending) to our ranks. You all played some stand up paintball last game. Now after getting hazed at the next event you will be full fledged killers.