May 6th we hit the field. Evilelvis was casted as general for the Lawdogs as Wyatt Earp and XxX lead the team while I lead the Lawdogs. QueenB recieved a new fancy medic arm band and 5poppa, lil man, Shark and Spartan rounded up the team. We had Shark's friend Jason, Yamil and Jacob who came out to run with the Gun Crew. Spartan took a nasty shot to the cheek and was down for the rest of the event. 5poppa got lit up for trying to surrender someone and BlackCell showed prowless and that we own the deep woods. At the end of the event Yamil or Smoke and Jason became the newest team members.
Lawdogs came out winning in the end due to missions & trivia but it was a hard fought day. The Cowboys took the fight to us time and time. It made for a spectacular event. I was awarded a Leadership award for the Lawdogs and lil'man scored another Sportsmanship award for his dedicated play and fearless attacking of objectives.
QueenB with her new SWAG aka Nurse Betty
XxX on the prowl
Jason newest BlackCell Shooter
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